Sunday, August 23, 2015

Madame Voyaguer D. T. The first episode

she was walking down a dimly lit alleyway
the night is cold
the crescent moon hung crooked
like the smiles of the strange men staring from afar
there was a bridge on the far side
north bound she strode
no light no guide
but one instruction
home the note said
a different time a different place
almost impossible was the circumstance
paradoxical even
otherworldly was this appearance
a fortnight ago she emerged
drowned in centuries ahead of slumber
to emerge from the riverbank
full clothed in archaic wear
madame they called her
madame voyaguer d.t. for short

sorry ive been so preoccupied
randomly came up with this when listening to
I dont think about you anymore, but i dont think about you anyless by the Hungry Ghosts
beautiful piece
you can listen to it here


  1. the crescent moon hung crooked
    like the smiles of the strange men staring from afar


  2. Thank you for your kind words :')
