Sunday, July 19, 2015

The Light behind the door

there was a door
i went in
a darkly lit hallway
uncertainty ascending
stairs creaking
stepping on glass
a siren's song
luring bait
a dim room
a dark room
mirage to dust
shut doors
no light
once melody
crescendoing laughter
snarls i heard
growls i heard
shouts agonizing
stabs self induced
tearing at my skin
hell raised
locked room
no key

a light
not bright
peaking under the door
behind the door
locked room
no key
no exit

constant anticipation
of the demons that haunt me
a game that fed
my desolation
insanity driven
basking in the comforts
of the darkness that is my home
the screams
my lullaby
the tears
my mid night oil
the light
a constant reminder
the constant light
adjusted perceptions
what light
i don't remember

but He calmed my heart
and silenced the ghosts
prompted me to open the door

its locked i said
its locked and i can't get out
i want to but i can't
but i can't
i can't

retreating into the corner
roughed edges
bruised arms
i remembered the fleeting moment
my mind was quiet
my soul was sound

slowly i creeped
inching closer
crawling further
blind eyed
in the dark
His voice
my guide

shards of glass sinking in
but the lure was too deep
we'd have conversations
and sometimes
His voice would drown theirs out

patiently He waited
whether i listened to Him or not

louder they shrieked
harder they pulled
but in the confusion
i seek His voice
soft but strong
whispering into my ear
the wounds i hid
He ripped wide open
the pain of yesterday
relieved again
gently He tended
to the wounds as i teared
slowly but surely
He filled my heart
with promises and purpose
with wisdom and meaning

and now i sit
back against the door
behind i know
there is a great light
i'll stay and fix
the broken flashlight if there is one
if not
i'll make one from the spare pieces
of my enemies weaknesses
i'll emanate that great light
it'll dissipate across the room
He'll tell me what to do
He'll give me the directions

but for now i'll collect the spare pieces
come face to face with my demons
i'll tremble in my shoes
and cry in my sleep
but each time i'll remember
the purpose propelling me
and i'll remember to show my wounds
so He can tend them daily
we'll have late night conversations
He'll give me rest then
wipe my tears
tuck me in
and envelop me
with a hug
goodnight kisses
i'll sleep soundly because i know
the wolves are close
but he stands guard
he stands closer

no longer does this peace elude me
no longer do i fear the dark.


this was inspired from i guess yesterday's sermon since its 2:40am lol
have you ever
been so at peace
and happy
that you feel like crying?

in that moment
in the chaos
in the desolation
in the confusion

you found peace

or it found you
but you
you chose to accept it
you allowed it to touch you
walked out of the dark room
felt the sunlight warm your heart
it was there all along
the thorns
but also the roses
but you know what makes it so beautiful
and wonderfully amazing
pricking your fingers
to get to the rose
choosing to be happy
when everything turns against you
and its so beautiful because
its absurd
so stupid
so pointless
so insane
but then you did it
and you're just like
but you're happy
but it doesn't make sense
it shouldn't
but it does
and thats just pretty amazing
accomplishing an impossible feat like that
choosing to dwell in the peace
against all logical notion of uncertainty that awaits

thank you
crying because it couldn't be done
crying because it was done

obviously its a daily thing
and i'll have to go through it all over again
but it was nice while it lasted
and nice knowing
it could be done

Friday, July 10, 2015

university rant .1

here i am
wiping the tears before they fall
can it really be
can university life just not be for me
am i a wimp for wanting to drop out
or for not dropping out to pursue something else
i don't know
i don't know
i have no fucking clue
i dont fucking know
all i know is that
i go day in day out
stoned face
i can't absorb freaking anything
I'm sitting in front of my computer
and every article
is pointing me to leave
but i don't know
if that would be rash
like everything else I've done
and then i remembered
i never regretted any rash decision i made
and now I'm crying
but i don't know
what if this is just a means for escapism
maybe I'm not mature enough?
everyone my age is in university
how come they can do it but i can't
how can i disappoint everyone
my family members
my traditional grandparents
what are they gonna say
sometimes i wish i can just pack up and leave
and i swear
i just might do that
i don't even think i'll die or anything
but surely there are better choices to be made
before cutting ties with everyone that i love and know
i don't know man
do i really have to go through university
sometimes i think
its just me
im crazy
I'm just being immature
that university will be good for me
but i just
i lack the motivation
the desire
the passion
when it comes to academics
you can ask my friends
at least from high school onwards
no matter how lazy i was
i would make sure
i did what i had to do
to do well
i always did well
it was in my blood to strive
but here i am
i don't even fucking care anymore
i just want to pass for the sake of my group mates
my parent's money
for the sake of just passing
but other than that
if this
this journey of life
wasn't a journey that took into account everyone else
i would have left
but its not so simple
its a lone journey mentally
but in reality
there are too many players narrating the story
and i need to breathe
but each time i try to grasp for air
they shove me back down into the water
and i don't understand why
i can't just discover life on my own
why must i take into account everyone's feelings
its not like I'm hurting them
i just need to find myself for a bit
but at the same time
who am i to make such boisterous claims
i still rely on them financially
but honestly
if they'd allow me
id go
i won't rely on anyone
i'll take holiday jobs
and just go
cuz i can't anymore
i just can't
but when i silence my mind
and try to find the voice of reason
and fail to
or succeed, sometimes
it tells me to stay
to be patient
to suffer
it builds character.
i agree with long suffering
but the only problem in this case is
i don't see the end to my suffering
i don't see the goal I'm trying to achieve that would require that suffering
oh wait
i see it
but it doesn't belong to me
it is not my vision
my aspiration
my dream
but than
what is?
i don't even know anymore
what if this is all just a pity party for one

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

there is no denying it

you know the end is near when you're not mad, just sad
when the faithful betray
when the strong fall
when the honest lie
skin shed
only to those who know
an outer layer unbeknownst to the ignorant
they follow blindly

you know the end is near when you cry for a nation
when your troubles are put on hold
as the burden of the world hangs on your shoulder
a lone prayer
a lone journey
a lone song


deny yourself
watch your back
watch your front
watch the demons
watch the angels
watch yourself
watch the reptilians
the masks
the skin

walk in unity
but stand alone

i've caught a glimpse of the cinders trailing behind the foot of angels
burned tips as their wings brushed against the devil's
they've chosen to enter the gates of hell

that is how you know the end is near


Monday, July 6, 2015


so beautiful is this sadness
so beautiful is this darkness
so beautiful is this emptiness
tears drying up, dead flowers

so beautiful is the smoke invading my lungs
the dizzying sky, unlit consciences
unlit consciousness
unlit eyes
unlit fire

so beautiful is the despair
the gripping fingers around my neck
the silent screams into my bed
the little girl that slept on the bed

so beautiful is the sharp pain to my wrist
crimson blood, crimson lips
crimson scars, crimson fists
crimson hearts, crimson beasts

crimson lies
crimson bliss

damaged hearts
damaged bliss
damaged lies


i guess i feel like writing


sometimes I'm sad for no reason
i just miss

and i was scrolling through my phone
I'm on tumblr
and a picture comes up
two words
please snow.

and i don't understand how
two words
so irrelevant
so absolutely
with anything

with my life
with my situation
with anything really
it didn't snow much where i used to live
it doesn't even snow at all where i live currently

but it just
made me so sad
and evoked
a certain emotion
of just

there i was wallowing in my own
and a question struck a chord in my consciousness
who is it do you miss exactly?

and i realised,
i have no idea.


someone explain to me what it is I'm feeling

Friday, July 3, 2015

Conversations with the Night, Three

Greetings from the moon
I gathered you are upset
take a walk with me

so smile

in a gaze
in a medley
synchronised beating
your reflection on the car windows
train windows
plane windows
blending with the journey of your travels
your scent
embedded into the seats
taking in breath
through your surroundings
take it all in
smooth against your skin
draw it out
remember what you'll remember
don't try too hard
we are not looking for ourselves
each sensory receptor
ticking moment
painting picture
passing fragrant
salty tear
skin distortion
silky grass blade
cold wind
synchronised beating
unspoken word
fleeting thought
cold pressed juice
in your hand
down your throat
what were you thinking then
laughing with your friends
sitting on the rough gravel
looking into the lake
picking away at the strands of hair that flew into your face
harsh winds
fleeting  gaze at the boy that walked by
what impression did he leave
did you leave
close your eyes
you're not looking for yourself
let others busy themselves
in the pursuit of the destination or journey that will lead them to enlightenment
while we understand that in each moment we are breathing
we are alive and living
thinking and being
piecing together a collage
that is our life

i should sleep earlier lol
listen to this - Vallis Alps - Young