Wednesday, January 4, 2017

new tears, obviously (happy new year everybody)

At least it's still me
So horribly morbid
So exhilaratingly thrilling
So high on this life
I was born a poet
Laughter chose to plant its seeds within me
Tears chose to well from the damnest of my depths
I did not choose to be like this
But I'll take it
How terribly frightful it is to be anything but
A breath of fresh relief
A gripe to one's sanity

I don't need to trip on acid daisies
All I need is a trip down my own sane mind
To set me a going
Where to?
I don't hardly know
Someplace nice this time I hope.

New pen, new year, new problems
i sincerely wish you a happy new year, no matter how crappy it may have started <3