Friday, June 12, 2015

Conversations with the Night, One

Greetings from yourself,
drunken stars and dazed headlights
how'd you find last night?

contrary to what i believe will be popular belief if this haiku was popular enough to have a popular belief (did i lose you there?) no this is not about partying too hard and getting Inside i kinda knew what i was denoting to but at the same time i didn't know i had such a clear understanding of my word choices. Sometimes words kinda just form in my head and i write them down, not thinking too much about it. But i was posting this on and this numbnut was asking me what i was trying to say, implying that it was too short. You would be surprised at the amount of people who don't know what a haiku is on a website known as '' (at this rate they should pay me for all this advertising.. oh wait.. no one knows who i am hahahaha) ok but seriously, I'm not promoting them or anything.

But yeah, he commented twice and the second time he seemed apologetic and wanted to know what it meant, which to my surprise i understood word for word. So here is my explanation, feel free to input yours.

Greetings from yourself --- sober you(me) thinking back in retrospect
drunken --- drunk on sadness/worries etc.
dazed --- high on emotions
stars & headlights --- the night
how'd you find last night? --- are you ok?

so basically it was me, the day after thinking back on my tears, worries, angst, all that shit that i got caught up with last night, you know when you're so consumed with your thoughts and emotions that you can't think straight, can't function, and you're just in a daze and everything is a blur cuz nothing else matters.. well that was revealed last night when there was no one to judge me, no barriers to hold me from what i was feeling in that moment

and the morning after was just me
me all better
perhaps healed up even
about yesterday
the person i was perhaps thinking about
the worries about the future
the present
that was paralysing me

im in a better place now, having let that go
and i was just asking myself
how'd you feel?
are you better?
those worries?
that person?
can you cope?

and you know what
i'll be ok.

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