Thursday, June 18, 2015


its 10:16AM and i finally woke up earlier today only to end up on tumblr lol
home doesn't feel as much as how home use to feel
because the people that made it my home
were no longer there
the places were the same
the places induced certain reactions
but at the same time
with time
those places
blocked out
i become jaded
used to seeing the same things
its like in consumer behaviour
perception adjustment
i no longer see it
not for what is was at least
our playground
because no one was there
everyone moves on
everyone leaves
some earlier
some later
and thats life
to cope
you will have to learn
to  make your own skin
your home
and that's how it should be
thats what i think anyways.
until i leave this earth at least.
lol sorry if i keep getting sidetrack with these random free prose that I'm not sure are poetry.. idk. its more like a journal entry to me, but i seem to type like this. hahaha. oh well.. im on tumblr.. AGAIN. and i came across something i reblogged from long ago

“ It’s funny, when I think about this exact time last year. Things were so different. I never would have thought that things could change so much in only a year. I wonder what next February will be like. ”

its June, i don't really remember how last June was like, i was probably already in Singapore, probably already moved back i don't know.. but i was thinking back to when i reblogged this, back to when i made the move back, the move i was forced to make, the move i wasn't expecting, and realising that I've become one of 'those people' the ones that leave before graduation, the ones that left early. we all thought i would have stayed to the end, so did i. it was such an unexpected move. Well, such is life, hopefully i'll understand the reason behind this one day. It was pretty depressing for a bit, but all is well now :)

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